Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 7

            While Jesus was visiting his hometown, he quoted an Old Testament prophecy concerning himself and inserted a comma where one did not exist before. The comma he inserted implied a marker between all that was before from all that was to follow. He told them that he fulfilled all that was before the comma in their eyes. All that was to follow, has yet to be fulfilled. But then his following statement sent everyone into a murderous rage against him. The mob literally grabbed him and carried him away to plunge him head-first down over a cliff. Jesus passed through the crowd (probably slipping through a hyperspace) before making his way to Capernaum. But what on earth could Jesus have possibly said to send them into such a state of insane, murderous rage?

1 Hour
November 6, 2009

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I. Galilee Welcomes Jesus.
A. John 4:43-45

II. Jesus Begins Teaching In The Synagogues Of Galilee.
A. Luke 4:15

III. Defining The Gospel: The Beginnings Of What Jesus Taught.
A. Mark 1:15

IV. The Physical Range Of Jesus' Power / He That Holds The Laws Of Physics Together.
A. John 4:46-54
B. Colossians 1:16-17

V. Jesus Proclaims The Acceptable Year Of The Lord / A Comma That's Lasted For 2000 Years.
A. Luke 4:16-21
B. Isaiah 13:12-13
C. Isaiah 61:1-2

VI. The Quote From Jesus That Sent The People Of His Hometown Into A Murderous Rage.
A. Luke 4:22-27

VII. Did Jesus Squeeze Through The Mob Or Hyper-dimensionally Pass Through It?.
A. Luke 4:28-30

VIII. Jesus Moves To Capernaum.
A. Matthew 4:13-17
B. Isaiah 9:1-2

IX. The Supernatural Event That Finally Convinced Peter That Jesus Was God.
A. Matthew 4:18-22
B. Mark 1:16-20
C. Luke 5:1-11

X. Jesus Aborts A Demonic Possession And Rumors Spread.
A. Mark 1:21-28
B. Luke 4:31-37

XI. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-In-Law & Then Many Others That Same Evening.
A. Matthew 8:14-17
B. Mark 1:29-34
C. Luke 4:38-41
D. Isaiah 53:4